HH members may not charge for any communications services carried over the HH network.
The nature of communications is lawful and not in any way linked to criminal or terrorist objectives. HHOPS will cooperate fully with law enforcement and/or Homeland Security in the event HH is abused to further criminal or terrorist oriented goals.
Criminal Complaints - HH reserves the right to refuse service to any amateur radio operator who has been involved in criminal activity if, in the opinion of HH, the criminal activity brought to our attention is of such a nature as to tarnish HH or the amateur radio community at large. Proof of a conviction is not necessary for refusal of service. Only evidence that participation in a crime has occurred.
HH members will maintain the level of professionalism in public conferences and RF extensions, that Hams have become known and respected for. Misconduct in a public conference/bridge or RF extensions could result in punitive measures administered by HHOPS, up to and including permanent disconnection of services and re-assignment of the HH number used by the offending member.
HH will not tolerate abusive behavior towards other HH members or the HHOPS team. This includes the practice of “prank calls” or disturbing calling patterns made in a manner with the obvious intent to harass another HH member. HHOPS will vigorously investigate all complaints brought to their team.
Clubs & organizations are solely responsible for the conduct in their non-public conference bridges and RF extensions. HHOPS will provide administrative support to organizations when requested to handle issues should they arise
HH does not otherwise police the subject of discussion in public bridges or RF extensions so long as that discussion is done in a respectful way to all parties in a public bridge or RF extension. That means politics and religion are “on the table” so long as they are done respectfully.
HH does not police the subject or content of station to station calls over HH. Other than a case of harassment as outlined above, HHOPS will not intervene or interfere in the content or carriage of communications between private parties on the HH network.
Intentional interference by spoofing or otherwise attempting to disrupt the HH network will result in immediate banning from the HH network and in severe cases HHOPS will notify law enforcement and tender all available evidence. HHOPS will not tolerate intentional interference to HH systems or member owned endpoints.
HH numbers will only be issued when an applicant supplies the MAC Address of the phone, along with their callsign to HHOPS. Numbers which have no connected phone attached for more than 30 days, will be disconnected and returned to the HH number pool and reassigned.
HH does not provide nor is responsible for the security of endpoints in use on your local network. We do not provide call encryption. HH also can not be held liable for any exploits of your phone, or the security of any information transmitted from your private network over the internet to HH servers. Your use of any HH service constitutes acceptance of these terms, and you hold HH harmless for any potential or actual information or security breach caused by using the service or connecting an endpoint to the service.
Trunks may NOT be used to interconnect non-hams, or users on other systems that have not been properly vetted by HH. If a trunk is granted to you, you agree to use it on your own personal supported PBX and only for your personal use. You may not use such connection as a pathway to an alternately hosted unaffiliated network without prior approval from HH.
policies/covenant/tos.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/12 15:29 by k1wiz