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(1) Login Account Required
(1) Login Account Required
When requesting a new HH number on the HHUS, HHUX, HHEU, or HHAP network, we will need the following info to process your request:
*If requesting a softphone, make sure you choose the Softphone Help-Topic from the drop down list
Also, softphone request will not be processed on the primary servers HHUS, HHAP, and HHEU unless you already have an existing hard phone.
Please keep in mind that we are processing a large number of requests. We are an all volunteer team and have jobs as well as families.
Please do not submit duplicate requests. Login and view the status of your ticket. If status is open, we will get to your ticket in the order it was received.
The typical time frame is within 3 to 5 days at this time for any of the servers.