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(1) Login Account Required
(1) Login Account Required
Courtesy Brad, N8PC
To remove sms beacons from an AllStar node that uses the “Ham VOIP” software version, you need to create a private node and connect to Hamshack Hotline via your private node, not your public node.
To create a private node, you will need to choose a new node number between 1000 and 1999.
For demonstration purposes here, we will use node # 1995 as our private node, and also for demonstration purposes, we will use node # 12345 as our public node number.
Please remember to replace node # 12345 with your actual public node number.
In your rpt.conf file, place this into it:
[1995] ; private node for Hamshack Hotline rxchannel=dahdi/pseudo duplex=0 link2link=yes ;connpgm=/usr/local/sbin/supermon/smlogger 1 ; only needed if you use them. ;discpgm=/usr/local/sbin/supermon/smlogger 0 ; only needed if you use them. controlstates=controlstates scheduler=schedule12345 ; Change 12345 to your public node number morse=morse12345 macro=macro12345 functions=functions12345 phone_functions=functions12345 link_functions=functions12345 telemetry=telemetry wait_times=wait-times12345 telemnomdb=0 telemduckdb=-9 holdofftelem=1 telemdefault=1
Now, add the following to nodes list at the end of your rpt.conf
[nodes] 1995 = [email protected]/1995,NONE
Next, locate this line in your rpt.conf file
Change that line to now read like this:
Now, in your extensions.conf file place the following:
[radio-secure] exten => 1995,1,rpt,1995 [radio-iaxrpt] exten=1995,1,Rpt,1995|X
Then in your extensions.conf file, modify your HH Stanza (or add if you don't have an existing HH Stanza yet) to no longer use your public node number, but rather now use your private node number.
[hh-N8PCHH] ; Change to your own stanza name for HH exten => 1995,1,answer() exten => 1995,n,Playback(rpt/node) exten => 1995,n,Playback(digits/1) exten => 1995,n,Playback(digits/2) exten => 1995,n,Playback(digits/3) exten => 1995,n,Playback(digits/4) exten => 1995,n,Playback(digits/5) exten => 1995,n,Playback(rpt/connected) exten => 1995,n,Set(CALLSIGN=HH-${CALLERID(num)}) exten => 1995,n,rpt(1995|P|${CALLSIGN}) exten => 1995,n,Rpt,1995|P
Then after modifying these files and saving them, restart your node.
Then have an HH support agent test to confirm the sms beacons are gone.
Please note: You will have to coordinate with HH to adjust your Dial String to
now match to your new private node number.