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Set Daylight Savings Time - Cisco Phones

This may also work on other Cisco models as well, but may be found in a different location.

On the Cisco phone web GUI, under the Regional Tab, scroll to the bottom and in the Time section, place the following text in the Daylight Saving Time Rule box.

Note to U.S.A users. The following example reflects the new change starting March 2007.

DST starts on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November:

  • Just select the correct time zone offset (-6 for Central)
  • Select Yes for Ignore DHCP time offset, and
  • Select Yes for DST Enable.
  • (If you are using the no offset GMT, then select No for DST Enable.)

If you want 24hr display instead of 12hr, change that on the User tab on the right.

Settings Breakdown

In the Cisco SPA phone configuration, the Daylight Savings Time setting follows this pattern:

  start=3/8/7/02:0:0: Daylight Saving Time (DST) starts on:
      3 = March (3rd month)
      8 = 2nd Sunday (8 means the 2nd occurrence of the day within the month)
      7 = Sunday (7 is Sunday, with 1-7 mapping to Monday-Sunday)
      02:0:0 = 2:00 AM local time
  end=11/1/7/02:0:0: DST ends on:
      11 = November (11th month)
      1 = 1st Sunday (first occurrence of the day within the month)
      7 = Sunday
      02:0:0 = 2:00 AM local time
  save=1: This adds 1 hour to the clock during DST.

In summary, this setting applies DST from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM until the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM, adding 1 hour during this period.

ts/daylight.savings.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/28 21:55 by kg6baj